#1 Daily Activity (English Version)

Haii my reader....
  Today is our first practical after holiday about a month and also is my first post in this blog. Yupp blog is a new thing for me so i hope you are not bored to read it (especially for Sir Faisal) haha kidding. So, this is my first activity in kitchen, let's begin.
   As usual, we entered at 8:00 WITA, starting with storing the bag in the locker then oneline in pastry and bakery to start the activity today, starting with the attendance and examination of grooming by senior incharge namely Kak Made and Kak Widi and today we will make puff pastry. Before making something, it is certain that you have to prepare the tools and materials first so that it was done by our seniors, prepare tools and materials for making puff pastry and Sir Faisal showing how to make it. Then we gather according to each group to make puff pastry. The material used is hard flour 250gr, fat 200gr, salt 8gr and enough water. Same with other bread making using a straight dough technique that is mixing all dry ingredients and wet ingredients. First mix the diced fat into flour and rub it so that it blends or is called the rub in technique but the fat does not have to be crushed, then put in salt and the last is water, then roll and fold 4 times fold and in the keep before it was formed. Senior incharge also shows how to shape the puff pastry into various shapes and use it, after the puff pastry, Sir Faisal explains a little about puff pastry. next as usual because we entered into the kitchen with a clean condition automatically must leave with a clean condition too so every time we finished using the kitchen we are should do General Cleaning or called GC by MTB genk. After everything is finished, that means we are ready to go home, but before that we oneline first and pray that we will be protected by the Almighty to arrive at home safely. And today's activity is closed by a brief direction from Sir Faisal.

This is my daily activity day 1
Michelle xoxo


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